home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 1 rem copyright by david schlaepfer listschutz toeten: zeile 1 loeschen(NULL)
- 2 rem druck-routine:fuer alle epson-kompatiblen drucker o.k.
- 4 poke53281,0:poke53280,0:printchr$(142):goto 14050
- 5 clr:printchr$(14):remx=anzahl datae
- 10 dim x1(200):rem zeit fuer 100 doppelseitige kassetten
- 12 x=-1:rem keine daten vorhanden
- 15 rem dn$=name zugriffsfile
- 20 dim x2(200):rem jahrgang 100 ""
- 30 dim xn$(200):rem namen
- 40 dim x$(200) :rem ausgeliehen an..
- 50 dim x3(200) :rem video nr.
- 52 dim p%(200) :rem fuer alphabet.order
- 54 dim d%(200) :rem ????????
- 55 rem x(i) absolute nummer
- 60 rem aa$,ab$,ac$,ad$,ad,ae$,ae,af:kurzfristig benuetzte daten
- 61 rem d$=aktuelles datum
- 100 gosub 10000:print"[158] [214]ersion 2.1 7.89"
- 105 print"[159] [193]ktueller [211]tand: ";x+1;" [198]ilme auf "
- 107 print" ";int((x+2)/2) ;" [203]assetten"
- 110 print"[152] -1- [193]lten [194]estand laden"
- 120 print" -2- [206]eue [203]assetten eingeben"
- 130 print" -3- [193]lte [203]assetten umbenennen"
- 140 print" -4- [193]usgabe auf [194]ildschirm"
- 150 print" -5- [193]usgabe auf [196]rucker"
- 160 print" -6- [207]rdnen nach [206]ummern"
- 170 print" -7- [207]rdnen nach [193]lphabet"
- 180 print" -8- [193]usgeliehene nachsehen"
- 190 print" -9- [193]ktuellen [218]ustand speichern"
- 193 print" -0- [212]itel suchen / [196]aten einer [203]ass."
- 195 print"[151] -q- [208]rogramm verlassen. [210]eset"
- 200 get a$:ifa$=""then200
- 205 ifa$="q"then400
- 206 ifa$="0"then220
- 210 ifval(a$)<1orval(a$)>9 then 200
- 220 on (val(a$)+1)goto 12000,1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000,7000,8000,9000
- 399 goto 200
- 400 gosub 10000
- 401 print"[158][160][210] [197] [211] [197] [212] [152]"
- 404 input "[158] [211]ind [211]ie sicher !? n[146][158][157][157][157]";aa$
- 405 if aa$="j"then sys 64738
- 410 goto 100
- 1000 gosub 10000
- 1010 print"[158][204]aden [152]"
- 1020 print" -1- [196]atei laden"
- 1030 print" -2- [196]irectory zeigen"
- 1040 print"[151] -q- quit"
- 1050 geta$:ifa$=""then1050
- 1060 if val(a$)<0orval(a$)>2anda$<>"q"then1050
- 1065 if a$="q" then goto 100
- 1070 onval(a$) goto 1090,1500
- 1080 goto 1050
- 1090 input"[206]ame der [196]atei :";dn$
- 1100 open15,8,15:open1,8,2,dn$+",s,r"
- 1110 input#15,fe:if fe=0 then 1130
- 1120 print" [211]orry: [196]iskettenfehler [146]":poke198,0:wait198,1:sys65511:goto1000
- 1130 x=0
- 1140 input#1,xn$(x),x$(x),x1(x),x2(x),x3(x)
- 1150 if st<>64 then x=x+1:goto 1140
- 1160 close15:close1: sys 65511:print">> [196]atei ist geladen.[160]<<"
- 1170 print" [158][212]aste...":poke 198,0:wait 198,1:goto 100
- 1500 gosub 10000:print"[158][196]irectory [152]"
- 1510 rem
- 1600 j=0:print" 0 ";:open1,8,0,"$":poke781,1:sys65478:geta$,a$,a$,a$:x$=chr$(0)
- 1610 for i=1 to 7:geta$,b$,o$,d$:printa$b$o$d$;:next:print:geta$,a$,a$,b$
- 1620 if st then sys 65484:close 1:goto 1670
- 1630 j=j+1:if j=14 then print"[158] [212]aste.[152]":wait 198,1:j=0:print"[147]"
- 1635 if j=0 then gosub 10000: print"[158][196]irectory [152]"
- 1640 printasc(a$+x$)+256*asc(b$+x$);
- 1650 goto 1610
- 1670 print"[158] [212]aste.[152]":poke 198,0:wait 198,1:poke198,0:goto 1000
- 2000 gosub 10000:print"[158][206]eue erfassen [152]"
- 2010 print"[159] [194]estand: ";x+1;"[198]ilme auf ";int((x+2)/2);" [203]assetten"
- 2020 print "[155] [203]assette [206]r.";:x3(x+1)=x+1:printint((x3(x+1)+2)/2)
- 2030 ifx/2=int(x/2)thenprint" [211]eite b":goto 2050
- 2040 print" [211]eite a"
- 2050 x=x+1
- 2060 input"[152][206]ame ...: ><[145][157][157][157][155]";xn$(x)
- 2070 x3(x)=x:input"[152][196]auer ...:[155]";x1(x)
- 2080 input"[152][202]ahrgang.:[155]";x2(x)
- 2090 x$(x)="":print""
- 2100 input"[215]eitere erfassen j[157][157][157]";aa$
- 2110 if aa$="j"then goto 2000
- 2120 if aa$="n"then goto 100
- 2130 print"[145]";:goto 2100
- 3000 gosub 10000:print"[158][193]lte umbenennen [152]"
- 3005 if x=-1 then print" [203]eine [196]aten !":poke 198,0:wait 198,1:goto 100
- 3010 print"[159] [194]estand: ";x+1;"[198]ilme auf ";int((x+2)/2);" [203]assetten"
- 3030 input"[155] [193]endern: [203]assette [206]r.";ab$:af=val(ab$)*2-1:print""
- 3045 for i=0 to x:if x3(i)<>afthennexti
- 3060 if i>xtheni=x
- 3061 print"[152][206]ame ...: ";xn$(i)
- 3070 print"[152][196]auer ...:[155]";x1(i)
- 3080 print"[152][202]ahrgang.:[155]";x2(i)
- 3090 print""
- 3100 input"[196]ieses [196]atum aendern j[157][157][157]";aa$
- 3110 if aa$="j"then goto 3200
- 3115 if aa$="q"then goto 100
- 3120 if aa$<>"n" then print"[145]";:goto 3100
- 3130 af=abs(af-1):gosub 10000
- 3140 print"[159] [194]estand: ";x+1;"[198]ilme auf ";int((x+2)/2);" [203]assetten"
- 3145 for i=0 to x:if x3(i)<>afthennexti
- 3150 print"":goto 3060
- 3200 print""
- 3210 input"[152][206]ame ...";xn$(i)
- 3220 input"[152][196]auer ...[155]";x1(i)
- 3230 input "[152][202]ahrgang.[155]";x2(i)
- 3240 print""
- 3250 input" [196]atum korrekt j[157][157][157]";aa$
- 3260 if aa$="j" then goto 100
- 3270 if aa$="n" then goto 3200
- 3280 print"[145]";:goto 3200
- 4000 gosub 10000:print"[158][194]ildschirmausgabe[152]"
- 4030 if x=-1 then print" [203]eine [196]aten !":poke 198,0:wait 198,1:goto 100
- 4035 print"[158]([206]ame / [203]assette / [196]auer / [202]g. / ausg.)[146][152]"
- 4040 for i=0 to x:aa$=str$(int((x3(i)+2)/2))
- 4050 if len(aa$)<3 then aa$=" "+aa$:goto 4050
- 4055 ab$=str$(x1(i))
- 4057 iflen(ab$)<4 then ab$=" "+ab$:goto 4057
- 4090 ac$=str$(x2(i))
- 4095 if len(ac$)<5 then ac$=ac$+" ":goto4095
- 4100 ad$=" ":iflen(x$(i))>0 thenad$=" x"
- 4110 ae$=left$(xn$(i),24)+" "
- 4115 if mid$(xn$(i),24,1)>" " then ae$=left$(ae$,24)+"."
- 4120 print"[145]";left$(ae$,25);" ";aa$;ab$;ac$;ad$;" "
- 4200 if i/12<>int(i/12) or i= 0 then 4220
- 4210 if i>0 then print"[155] [212]aste..[152]":poke 198,0:wait 198,1
- 4215 getaa$:ifaa$="q" then goto 100
- 4216 gosub 10000:print"[158][194]ildschirmausgabe[152]"
- 4217 print"[158]([206]ame / [203]assette / [196]auer / [202]g. / ausg.)[146][152]"
- 4220 nexti:print"[158] [212]aste..[152]":poke 198,0:wait 198,1: goto 100
- 5000 gosub 10000:print"[158][196]ruckerausgabe [152]"
- 5007 if x=-1 then print" [203]eine [196]aten !":poke 198,0:wait 198,1:goto 100
- 5010 input " [200]eutiges [196]atum : ";d$:ifd$="q"then100
- 5011 close4:open4,4:print#4,chr$(14)" [214]ideo-[214]erzeichnis";chr$(15)
- 5012 print#4,"[196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196]";
- 5013 print#4,"[196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196]"
- 5015 print#4," geschrieben von [196]avid [211]chlaepfer [200]eute,den ";d$
- 5016 print#4,"[196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196]";
- 5017 print#4,"[196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196]"
- 5018 print#4:print#4,"+ [206]r. [206]ame ";
- 5019 print#4," + t/min + [202]ahrg. + ausgel. +"
- 5030 print#4,"----------------------------------------";
- 5035 print#4,"---------------------------------------"
- 5040 for i=0 to x:aa$=str$(int((x3(i)+2)/2))
- 5050 if len(aa$)<3 then aa$=" "+aa$:goto 5050
- 5057 ab$=str$(x1(i))
- 5058 if len(ab$)<6 then ab$=" "+ab$:goto 5058
- 5090 ac$=str$(x2(i))
- 5095 if len(ac$)<5 then ac$=" "+ac$:goto5095
- 5100 ad$=" ":iflen(x$(i))>0 thenad$=" x "
- 5120 print#4,"+ ";aa$;" ";xn$(i);spc(42-len(xn$(i)));" + ";ab$;" + ";ac$;
- 5130 print#4," + ";ad$;" +"
- 5200 next i
- 5210 print#4,"----------------------------------------";
- 5220 print#4,"----------------------------------d.s.-":sys 65511:goto 100
- 6000 gosub 10000:print"[158][206]umerisch ordnen [152]"
- 6005 if x=-1 then print" [203]eine [196]aten !":poke198,0:wait 198,1:goto 100
- 6007 i=0:af=0
- 6010 if x3(i)=i then i=i+1:print"";af:printi: goto 6090
- 6020 :
- 6030 s1=x1(x3(i)):s2=x2(x3(i)):s3=x3(x3(i)):s$=x$(x3(i)):sa$=xn$(x3(i)):rem r&n
- 6040 :
- 6050 x1(x3(i))=x1(i)
- 6052 x2(x3(i))=x2(i) :rem umschreiben
- 6054 x$(x3(i))=x$(i) :rem ' '
- 6056 xn$(x3(i))=xn$(i):rem ' '
- 6058 x3(x3(i))=x3(i)
- 6070 x3(i)=s3:x2(i)=s2:x1(i)=s1:x$(i)=s$:xn$(i)=sa$ : af=af+1: i=0
- 6090 if i=x-1 or i>=x then goto 100
- 6091 goto 6010
- 7000 rem **copyrighyt by ***********
- 7001 rem ** ** david schlaepfer ** ** rem ** remember zumikon but **
- 7002 rem *** forget kopp. ***
- 7010 gosub 10000:print"[158][193]lphabet. ordnen [152]"
- 7015 if x=-1 then print" [203]eine [196]aten !":poke 198,0:wait 198,1:goto 100
- 7017 if x<3 then print" [205]ehr [196]aten !":poke 198,0:wait 198,1:goto 100
- 7020 print"[152] [194]itte [199]eduld...."
- 7022 x=x+1
- 7023 x1(x)=x1(0):x2(x)=x2(0):x3(x)=x:x$(x)=x$(0):xn$(x)=xn$(0)
- 7024 x1(0)=0:x2(0)=0:x3(0)=0:x$(0)="":xn$(0)="":rem unterstes datum nach oben
- 7025 ::for i=0tox:p%(i)=i:nexti
- 7030 for f=0 to 2: for c=f+1 to 3
- 7035 if xn$(c)<xn$(f) then j=p%(f):p%(f)=p%(c):p%(c)=j
- 7037 if xn$(c)<xn$(f) then s$=xn$(f):xn$(f)=xn$(c):xn$(c)=s$
- 7040 next c:next f
- 7047 for f=3 to x:c=2^(-int(-log(f)/log(2))-1):print"";f
- 7050 for b=-int(-log(f)/log(2))-2 to 0 step -1
- 7075 if c>=f then 7110
- 7100 if xn$(f)>xn$(c) then c=c+2*2^b
- 7110 c=c-2^b:nextb:if xn$(f)>xn$(c) then c=c+1
- 7112 v=p%(f):s$=xn$(f)
- 7115 for b=f-1 to cstep-1:xn$(b+1)=xn$(b):p%(b+1)=p%(b)
- 7117 next b:xn$(c)=s$:p%(c)=v:nextf
- 7118 for i=0 to x
- 7120 if p%(i)=i then goto 7180
- 7125 m=p%(i)
- 7130 s$=x$(m):s1=x1(m):s2=x2(m):s3=x3(m):n=d%(m)
- 7140 x$(m)=x$(p%(m)):x1(m)=x1(p%(m))
- 7141 x2(m)=x2(p%(m)):x3(m)=x3(p%(m)):d%(m)=d%(p%(m))
- 7142 c=m:m=p%(m):p%(c)=c
- 7145 ifi=m then x1(i)=s1:x2(i)=s2:x3(i)=s3:x$(i)=s$:d%(m)=n:goto 7180
- 7150 goto 7140
- 7180 nexti
- 7190 for i=1tox
- 7192 x1(i-1)=x1(i)
- 7193 x2(i-1)=x2(i)
- 7194 x3(i-1)=x3(i)
- 7195 x$(i-1)=x$(i)
- 7197 xn$(i-1)=xn$(i)
- 7200 nexti:x=x-1
- 7210 for i=1tox:if x3(i)<>x+1 then next i
- 7215 x3(i)=0:goto 100
- 8000 gosub 10000:print"[158][193]usgeliehene [152]"
- 8005 if x=-1 then print" [203]eine [196]aten !":poke 198,0:wait 198,1:goto 100
- 8010 print" -1- [196]atum als ausgeliehen vermerken"
- 8020 print" -2- [203]assette wieder zurueck"
- 8030 print" -3- [215]er hat [203]ass. [206]r.'[216]' ausgeliehen"
- 8040 print" -4- [215]as hat [212]yp '[217]' ausgeliehen"
- 8050 print" -5- [204]iste der [193]usgeliehenen"
- 8060 print"[151] -q- quit"
- 8070 geta$:ifa$=""then8070
- 8080 if val(a$)<0 or val(a$)>5 and a$<>"q"then 8070
- 8085 if a$="q"thengoto100
- 8090 on val(a$) goto 8100,8200,8300,8400,8500
- 8095 goto 8070
- 8100 gosub 10000:print"[158][193]usg. -1- [152]"
- 8110 print"[159] [194]estand: ";x+1;"[198]ilme auf ";int((x+2)/2);" [203]assetten"
- 8120 input"[155] [193]usgel.: [203]assette [206]r.";ab$:af=abs(val(ab$)*2-1)
- 8125 if ab$="q"thenaf=0:goto100
- 8127 for i=0tox:ifx3(i)=afthen print"[152][206]ame :";left$(xn$(i),32):ad=i:goto 8135
- 8130 nexti : print"[152][210]ueckseite nicht gefunden.":ad=-1
- 8135 for i=0tox:ifx3(i)=af-1thenprint"[152][206]ame :";left$(xn$(i),32):ae=i:goto8160
- 8140 nexti : print"[152][214]orderseite nicht gefunden.":ae=-1
- 8160 input"[155] [196]iese [203]assette ausgeliehen j[157][157][157]";aa$
- 8170 if aa$="n"thengoto8100
- 8172 if aa$="q"thengoto100
- 8175 if aa$<>"j"thenprint"[145][145][145]";:goto 8160
- 8180 input" [193]usleihender : ";ab$
- 8184 ifad>-1 then x$(ad)=ab$:goto 8188
- 8186 print"[152][210]ueckseite nicht gefunden!"
- 8188 ifae>-1 then x$(ae)=ab$:goto 8190
- 8189 print"[152][214]orderseite nicht gefunden!"
- 8190 poke198,0:print" [158][212]aste.[152]":wait 198,1: poke198,0: goto 8000
- 8200 gosub 10000:print"[158][193]usg. -2- [152]"
- 8210 print"[159] [194]estand: ";x+1;"[198]ilme auf ";int((x+2)/2);" [203]assetten"
- 8220 input"[155] [218]urueck: [203]assette [206]r.";ab$:af=abs(val(ab$)*2-1)
- 8225 if ab$="q"thenaf=0:goto 100
- 8227 for i=0 to x:if af=x3(i)then print"[152][206]ame :";xn$(i):ae=i:goto 8240
- 8230 next i:print"[214]orderseite nicht gefunden.":ae=-1
- 8240 for i=0 to x:if af-1=x3(i)then print"[152][206]ame :";xn$(i):ad=i:goto 8260
- 8245 next i:print"[210]ueckseite nicht gefunden.":ad=-1
- 8260 input" [196]iese [203]assette zurueck j[157][157][157]";aa$
- 8270 if aa$="n" then goto 8200
- 8272 if aa$="q" then goto 100
- 8275 if aa$<>"j"thenprint"[145]";:goto 8260
- 8284 if ad>-1then x$(ad)="":goto 8288
- 8286 print"[214]orderseite nicht gefunden."
- 8288 if ae>-1then x$(ae)="" :goto8290
- 8289 print"[210]ueckseite nicht gefunden."
- 8290 print" [158][212]aste.":poke198,0:wait198,1:goto8000
- 8300 gosub 10000:print"[158][193]usg. -3- [152]"
- 8310 input" [203]assette [206]r. :";aa$:af=2*val(aa$)-1:ifaa$="q"then100
- 8320 fori=0 to x:if x3(i)<>af then next
- 8330 iflen(x$(i))=0thenprint"[206]icht ausgeliehen.":goto 8350
- 8340 print"[193]usgeliehen an:";x$(i)
- 8350 print"[158] [212]aste.":poke198,0:wait 198,1:goto 8000
- 8400 gosub 10000:print"[158][193]usg. -4- [152]"
- 8405 print "[198]uer '[206]ame des [203]lienten' genuegen [193]n- fangsbuchstaben."
- 8407 af=0:input"[206]ame des [203]lienten :";aa$:print""
- 8410 for i=0tox:ifaa$<>left$(x$(i),len(aa$))then 8440
- 8420 af=af+1:print "[152][203]ass.";int((x3(i)+2)/2);":";left$(xn$(i),28)
- 8422 print"[155]";spc(39-len(x$(i)));x$(i)
- 8425 if af/10<>int(af/10)then goto 8440
- 8430 print"[158] [212]aste.[152]":poke 198,0:wait198,1
- 8435 print"[147]":getab$:ifab$="q"then100
- 8440 nexti:print"[158] [212]aste.[152]":poke198,0:wait198,1:getab$:ifab$="q"then100
- 8445 goto 8000
- 8500 gosub 10000:print"[158][193]usg. -5- [152]"
- 8510 af=0:for i=0tox:if x$(i)=""thengoto 8540
- 8515 if x3(i)/2=int(x3(i)/2)thengoto 8540
- 8517 aa$=str$(int((x3(i)+2)/2))
- 8518 if len(aa$)<4 then aa$=" "+aa$:goto8518
- 8520 print "[203]ass.";aa$;" an ";left$(x$(i),26):af=af+1
- 8530 if af/15=int(af/15)then print"[158] [212]aste.[152]":poke 198,0:wait 198,1:af=0
- 8535 ifaf=0 then gosub 10000:print"[158][193]usg. -5- [152]"
- 8540 nexti:print" [158][212]aste.":poke 198,0:wait 198,1:getab$
- 8550 ifab$="q"thengoto 100
- 8555 goto 8000
- 9000 gosub 10000:print"[158][193]bspeichern [152]"
- 9010 ifx=-1then print" [203]eine [196]aten !!":poke198,0:wait198,1:goto100
- 9020 print:print"[206]ame der [196]atei: ";dn$;chr$(13):input"[145][145]";dn$
- 9030 open1,8,2,"@:"+dn$+",s,w"
- 9040 for i=0tox
- 9050 print#1,xn$(i)","x$(i)",";
- 9055 print#1,x1(i)","x2(i)","x3(i)
- 9060 nexti
- 9070 print" [196]atei ist gesichert":close1:print:poke 198,0:wait 198,1:poke198,0
- 9080 input" [208]rogrammende [146] n[157][157][157]";aa$
- 9090 if aa$<>"n"andaa$<>"j"thenprint"[145][145]":goto 9080
- 9100 ifaa$="n"thengoto 100
- 9110 ifaa$="j"then sys 64738
- 10000 print"[147][152] [172][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][187]"
- 10010 print " [161] [155][214]ideoverwaltung von [152] [161][151] "
- 10020 print "[152] [161] [155][196]avid [211]chlaepfer [152][161][151] "
- 10030 print "[152] [161] [158] [205]odus : [152] [161][151] "
- 10040 print "[152] [188][146][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][190][151] [146]"
- 10050 print" "
- 10100 poke198,0:return
- 12000 gosub 10000:print"[158][212]itel / [203]ass.suchen[152]"
- 12001 ifx=-1then print" [203]eine [196]aten !!":poke198,0:wait198,1:goto100
- 12002 print"[155] -1- [212]itel suchen";chr$(13);" -2- [196]aten einer [203]assette"
- 12003 print"[151] -q- quit"
- 12004 getaa$:ifaa$<>"1"andaa$<>"2"andaa$<>"q"then12004
- 12005 if aa$="q"then100
- 12006 if aa$="2" then goto 12200
- 12007 if aa$="1" then goto 12100
- 12008 goto 12004
- 12100 gosub 10000:print"[158][212]itel suchen[152]"
- 12107 print" [198]uer '[212]itel' genuegen erste [194]uchstaben."
- 12108 aa$="": input" [199]esuchter [212]itel :";aa$:ae=len(aa$):print""
- 12109 if aa$ ="q" then goto 100
- 12110 af=4: for i=0 to x:if left$(xn$(i),ae)=aa$ then goto 12118
- 12112 if(af/8)<>int(af/8)thengoto 12116
- 12114 ifaf>0thenprint"[158] [212]aste.": poke198,0:wait198,1:getab$:gosub12180
- 12115 ifab$="q"then100
- 12116 nexti:print " [158][212]aste.":poke 198,0:wait 198,1:gosub 12000
- 12118 ab$=str$(int((x3(i)+2)/2)):ab$=right$(ab$,len(ab$)-1)
- 12119 if len(ab$)<3thenab$=" "+ab$:goto12119
- 12120 print"[151][203]ass.";ab$;"[155]:";left$(xn$(i),29)
- 12125 print"[151] [196]auer:";x1(i);spc(5-len(str$(x1(i))));"[202]g.:";
- 12130 printx2(i);spc(5-len(str$(x2(i))));"[193]usg.:--[157][157]";left$(x$(i),13)
- 12150 af=af+1: goto 12112
- 12180 poke198,0:gosub 10000:print"[158][212]itel suchen[152]"
- 12190 return
- 12200 gosub 10000:print"[158][196]aten e. [203]assette [152]"
- 12210 input"[151] [206]r. der [203]assette :";aa$
- 12215 if aa$="q"thengoto100
- 12216 ae=val(aa$):af=2*ae-1
- 12220 for i=0tox:if x3(i)=af thengoto12230
- 12225 nexti:print"[214]orderseite nicht gefunden.":goto12250
- 12230 print"[155][214]orderseite[151]:";left$(xn$(i),27):print"[151] [196]auer :";x1(i)
- 12240 print"[152] [202]ahrgang :";x2(i)
- 12250 af=af-1:for i=0tox:if x3(i)=af thengoto12260
- 12255 nexti:print"[210]ueckseite nicht gefunden.":goto12280
- 12260 print "[155][210]ueckseite:[151]";left$(xn$(i),27):print "[151] [196]auer :";x1(i)
- 12270 print "[152] [202]ahrgang :";x2(i):print"[155][193]usgeliehen an: --[157][157]";x$(i)
- 12280 print" [158][212]aste.":poke198,0:wait 198,1:getab$
- 12285 if ab$="q"thengoto100
- 12290 goto 12000
- 14050 print"[147][144]"
- 14100 print" [209] [209] [209] [209][209][209] [209][209][209][209] [209][209][209] [209] [209][209][209][209]
- 14102 [153]" (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) (NULL)
- 14103 print" [209] [209] [209] [209] [209] [209][209][209] [209] [209] [209][209][209]
- 14104 [153]" (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) (NULL)
- 14105 print" [209] [209] [209] [209] [209] [209] [209] [209]
- 14107 print" [209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209][209]"
- 14110 print" [209][209][209] [209] [209]
- 14111 [153] " (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) (NULL)
- 14112 print " copyright [209][209][209] [209] [209] david
- 14113 [153] " (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) schlaepfer
- 14114 print " [209] [209] [209] dorfstr.80
- 14115 [153] " (NULL)(NULL)(NULL) (NULL) ch-zumikon
- 14130 b=1
- 14140 for a=1*(-(b=1))to6step1.5*b
- 14150 fori=55376+ato56135step6
- 14160 pokei,13:nexti:nexta:ifb=1thenb=2:goto14140
- 14170 poke198,0:wait 198,1:print"[147]":goto 5
- 20000 :rem numerisch ordnen
- 20001 :rem 12100-12199 nur 10 aufs mal ausgeben